Japanners in Nederland

Japanse ervaringen in Nederland

Kazaguruma Rotterdam

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Kazaguruma Rotterdam

Deze ontvangen informatie van het bestuur van Kazaguruma Rotterdam  is in
het Engels blijven staan zodat zowel Nederlanders als Japanners dit kunnen lezen.

Kazaguruma, only one international women's gathering in Rotterdam, is the oldest one (almost 40 years' history) in Nederland.
All ladies are always welcome (basically better to understand Japanese, English or Dutch). We have no special activities which you MUST participate. We have no boss. It's you who creates this club. You can participate whenever you want and you also can be a proposer of gathering or some activities.
As our club is small, actually 25-30 members, we have very nice family atmosphere. We have once a month gathering - having tea or lunch together, visiting Dutch farmers, museums, free lunch concerts, etc. All are just simple casual gathering.
A year fee (from September to next year June) is  € 5,-.
For Japanese newcomer to Rotterdam we are also offering free information how to live here, how to do shopping, how to use European vegetables, how to get theater tickets, how to reach home doctor or your pet's veterinarian, how to travel to other countries, how to learn Dutch etc.
Please do not hesitate to contact us. You are always welcome!
E-mail: kazagurumarotterdam2013@gmail.com.



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